Six Surefire Mood-Boosters to Turn Even the Worst Day Around

I, for the most part, am a very happy, upbeat person. However, we all have those days where everything is just going wrong. Maybe you slam your head on the refrigerator door, the outfit you wanted to wear is in the laundry, you're all out of eggs, your puppy suddenly forgot she's potty trained, you stubbed your toe while brushing your teeth, and before you've even gotten out of the door you're just like OKAY, TODAY, I'M OVER YOU. 

These days are rare, but I've had a couple of them recently. Case in point: I'm usually really good about saving articles while I'm writing them, but I was on a roll with this one and when I was finishing up the last sentence of a great off-the-cuff piece, my computer crashed and I lost it all. So this is round two. I'm going to need to check a couple things off this list when I'm done writing. *clicks save again for good measure*

So, here are my six surefire mood-boosters to turn even the worst day around, and I've learned from experience they work! If you have any great tips, please share them with us on Instagram. The more, the merrier!

1. Take a lap

Getting outside for a quick walk can seriously do wonders. Taking a deep breath, throwing in some earbuds with a great audiobook or jam, and hitting the pavement for a brisk walk around the block can literally change everything. Even if it’s only 10 minutes, getting your blood pumping and that fresh air in your lungs feels soooo good. You might even pass a cute puppy on a walk and I mean you can’t be having a bad day while petting a puppy. 

2. Change your scenery

I work from home, so if I’m having a bad day, I turn things around by getting out of the house and going to a coffee shop or the park. Just changing up your location can really change the mood, and taking in different sights and smells can turn your luck around.

3. Go work out!

I know we hear this all the time: working out boosts mood, working out gives you endorphins, blah blah. It’s true, but let’s be real — it’s so hard to do when you’re having a day that’s just YUCK. Trust me though, once you’re there and in it, you’ll be so grateful you did. Even just five minutes into a workout you’ll be like “Aaaahhhh, thank you Lisa!” My favorite workout for these days is yoga because it is also calming and meditative.

And pro tip — tell yourself you only have to go for ten minutes. That’s it! If you put in ten minutes and you’re still feeling crummy, you’re giving yourself the freedom to bail. That get-out-of-jail-free card works *every* time, because I promise, once you’re there and you’re moving, you’re going to start feeling better and then you’ll want to see that workout through. Try it. And then come back here and tell me how well it worked for you.

4. Meditate

Meditation is seriously amazing. Whether it’s guided meditation or solo meditation, a few minutes of the this kind of mindfulness really puts things into perspective and makes you feel just on track again. If you’ve never meditated before, try the Headspace app. It’s a great, convenient guided meditation guru. 

5. Eat the damn chocolate

If you’re restricting your diet in any way and are having a rough day, I’m not suggesting you totally gorge and throw your plan and structure out the window, but you should give yourself a small treat and enjoy it mindfully. Chocolate has caffeine in it for an instant energy boost and it can give you endorphins, so it’s sort of like magic. Just wave that magic chocolate wand around and see if you don’t feel better.

Option two — whizz up your favorite Bumpin’ Blends smoothie and then give yourself five or even ten totally indulgent minutes to enjoy every last drop. The boost of vitamins and minerals from the real fruits, veggies, fruits, nuts, seeds, protein and spices we use will help screw your head back into place, and a few minutes of me time is sometimes just want you need.

6. Treat yoself

If possible, just walk away from the day for a couple hours. I know this is a luxury, but I distinctly remember a day that was really a struggle from the get-go for me and you know what I did? I blew it off for two hours. I took a long lunch and quite literally “treated myself.” I got my nails done and did an at-home facial and enjoyed a delicious solo lunch of this amazing pasta that I never eat. I got back to work with a satisfied stomach, pretty nails, and refreshed skin — relaxed and ready to tackle the rest the day had to offer.

7. Bonus tip — give yourself a little grace

We all have bad days, and that’s just part of being human. Don’t get down on yourself because it’s been one thing after another (after another) and you can’t seem to catch a break. Stop, breathe, recite one of those “this too shall pass” kind of platitudes you see on pillows and signs, and give yourself a freaking break. Between work and school and kids and relationships and life in general — and, you know, a global friggin pandemic — you’ve got a lot going on, and really, you’re doing great.